Paternity Testing Centers of Canada
(877) 777-4004
100% Canadian
Owned Company

(877) 777-4004

Adoption DNA Testing

More and more adoptive families and their representatives are seeing the benefits of using DNA testing at various times during the adoption process. Knowing the biological identity of the child that you are adopting through proper relinquishment can alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty.

The gift of knowledge is why Paternity Testing Centers of Canada is committed to serving the adoption community. We understand that our services can provide valuable information that can lead to clarification of many situations, often accompanied by peace of mind. DNA testing has proven valuable in many adoption scenarios. Please call Paternity Testing Centers of Canada for more information.
Adoption DNA Testing
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Why do I have to call?

Every case is unique and to ensure all the needs of our clients are fully served, we require you to call our toll free number 1 (877) 777-4004 in order to book your test.